
How Is a Facelift Done?

Beautiful older woman looks at her face in the mirror

Dr. Diamond is known as a facial plastic surgeon to the stars, but how does he perform his signature procedure? This blog will outline the step-by-step facelift process as performed by Dr. Diamond.

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The Ultimate Facial Rejuvenation Procedure

In the battle to look one’s best despite the ravages of time and the stress of modern life, the original anti-aging facial surgery is still the best in many ways. A facelift or rhytidectomy is regarded as the ultimate anti-aging procedure for its ability to provide long-lasting, rejuvenated results. If you’re considering a facelift to tighten loose skin, lift the underlying facial structure, and smooth deep facial wrinkles, this blog will discuss what you can expect from the procedure.

Diamond Facial Rejuvenation: Step-by-Step Facelift 

A facelift is designed to reverse visible signs of aging throughout the face and neck. While each surgeon will have their own favored technique, each facelift will also be diversified by the needs and preferences of the patient. 

What Can a Facelift Treat?

As we age, fat, collagen production, and the skin’s elasticity all begin to diminish. As we lose volume in the face, we also lose that youthful contour and definition to the jawline, cheeks, mouth, and under eyes. This, paired with a loss of elasticity, results in excess skin that hangs throughout the face, causing wrinkles and deep creases and detracting from a youthful, contoured appearance. 

A facelift cannot restore lost volume, but it can reverse signs of aging by removing excess skin, removing or repositioning pockets of fat, and lifting the deeper tissues and muscles for a rejuvenated result. A facelift-neck lift combination procedure can improve the following aging concerns: 

  • Deep creases around the mouth and nose (nasolabial folds and marionette lines)
  • Fine lines and wrinkles throughout the neck and mid-face region
  • Loose, hanging skin around the chin, jaw, and neck (jowls)
  • Neck banding and loose skin (turkey neck)
  • A loss of facial structure and definition

The Facelift Consultation

The first step to your facelift procedure is a comprehensive consultation with your facial plastic surgery specialist, Dr. Diamond. Each facelift is entirely unique to the needs, goals, and anatomy of the patient, so your consultation is important in determining the specifics of your surgical plan. 

During your consultation, Dr. Diamond will listen to your goals for the procedure; which features are of most concern to you and what you would like to see from your results are both topics that will be discussed at length. He will also examine your face, including the elasticity of your skin and underlying bone structure. 

Your consultation is also the time to discuss any concerns you may have, including surgical risks and what you can expect from the recovery period. Be sure to tell Dr. Diamond if you smoke, drink, or have any medical conditions or take any medications that may affect your surgery. 

If you decide to move forward with the procedure, Dr. Diamond will discuss the techniques he may use, what you can expect from the procedure, and what you can expect from the results. He will also tell you about the risks and benefits of a facelift, what anesthesia will be used, and where the surgery will be performed. 

The Facelift Procedure

While each facelift will be individualized to the patient, the following are some general facelift steps when performed by Dr. Diamond:

A facelift is usually performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia for optimum comfort. Dr. Diamond will begin by making discreet incisions, often hiding them within the hairline and around the ears, reducing the risk of visible scarring. 

He will lift and reposition the underlying facial tissues, tightening the muscles and structures to create a more youthful contour. He will then trim the excess skin away, draping the remaining skin over the facial tissues to create a smoother, more youthful appearance. Finally, Dr. Diamond will carefully close the incisions, before placing gauze or bandages to protect the surgical site. 

Facelift Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

What other procedures can I combine with my facelift? 

Dr. Diamond rarely performs a facelift alone; he believes that the best surgical results come from a dynamic approach that utilizes multiple procedures, techniques, and non-surgical treatments to create the most balanced, unique result. Some popular combinations used in Diamond Facial Rejuvenation include a neck lift, eyelid surgery, a brow lift, Diamond Facial Contouring, and Diamond Facial Sculpting®.

Do facelifts hurt?

The surgery itself does not hurt, as you will be under general anesthesia the whole time. There is little pain directly after the procedure as well. The most pain comes during the first week of recovery, but this is usually manageable with over-the-counter medications or pain medication prescribed by Dr. Diamond. 

Will I have scars after my facelift? 

Any time an incision is made on the body, there is a risk of scarring. However, Dr. Diamond is one of the most talented and respected surgeons in the country, with celebrities entrusting him with their facial procedures. He will not only hide the incisions in discreet locations, but his high level of surgical skill reduces the risk of scarring through his impeccable excision and suturing. 

You can reduce the appearance of scars by protecting your incisions, avoiding sun exposure, and using scar aftercare. 

Interested in a Facelift in Beverly Hills, CA?

If you want the ultimate in facial rejuvenation, call the Diamond Face Institute in Beverly Hills at (310) 859-9816 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation with the premier Beverly Hills facelift specialist, Dr. Jason B. Diamond.