Red-headed girl in black sports bra and pants doing a sit-up on a white background

Diet and exercise can do wonders to transform the human body, but sometimes these routines are not quite enough to achieve the results we desire. Some men and women perform sit-ups or crunches faithfully every day yet are still left with excess skin and fat in the abdominal area. This is one of the main areas of the body that harbors stubborn fat, and it is almost impossible to eliminate this flab with just exercise. In addition, patients who have successfully lost a large amount of weight often have excess skin in the midsection. This is because stretched skin loses elasticity and may not shrink back to its original form once the fat is reduced. Women who have been pregnant may also have stretched abdominal muscles that cannot be repaired without surgery.

Fortunately, the abdominoplasty procedure (commonly called a “tummy tuck”) is able to tighten muscles while removing fat and skin from the abdominal area, and it produces the flat stomach that so many aspire to possess. Although liposuction (surgery to remove fat) can be performed in conjunction with a tummy tuck, these are two different procedures. Tummy tuck surgery can remove fat deposits, but it alone does not eliminate large amounts of fat. In order to have a less invasive procedure and avoid the need for liposuction, patients should be as close to their ideal weight as possible prior to undergoing abdominoplasty.

Candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery

Although this procedure is an excellent way for patients to achieve a toned midsection, it is important that those considering abdominoplasty are educated about all aspects of the procedure before making a final decision. Tummy tuck surgery is a great option for men and women in good overall health who have already attempted to diminish excess abdominal fat and skin through other means. Potential patients should understand that abdominoplasty is not an alternative to weight loss. If a person has correctly followed a diet and exercise routine and is still unable to achieve the desired results, the tummy tuck procedure may be a reasonable option for accomplishing their goals.

If sit-ups and your diet and exercise routine have failed to give you the flat stomach you desire, please contact The Diamond Face Institute. The Diamond Face Institute offers body enhancement procedures performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon personally selected by Dr. Jason B. Diamond. To schedule your consultation or for more information, please call The Diamond Face Institute at (310) 859-9816 or fill out our online consultation form now. We look forward to helping you achieve the body you desire!