
Improve Your Nasal Structure With Rhinoplasty

Facial features define a person’s appearance, and the initial focal point is typically the nose. One common complaint about the nose is dissatisfaction with the shape or size. Genetics determine most of our facial characteristics, so we don’t get to choose the natural structure of our nasal contours. Being embarrassed or unhappy with the appearance of our nose can often lead to lowered self-confidence, impaired breathing, disproportionate facial balance, and other adverse outcomes. Undergoing rhinoplasty can correct these issues and reveal a more appropriately shaped nasal structure that will balance out the face, ultimately providing symmetry and harmony in the face. Patients with breathing issues and abnormalities often seek this surgery to improve breathing quality.

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What Is Rhinoplasty?

Malformations of the nose can be present at birth or result from an injury to the face. Through rhinoplasty, these grievances can be remedied along with correcting broad bridges, nasal bumps, drooping tips, and a variety of issues. Often referred to as a “nose job,” rhinoplasty is plastic surgery on the nose to correct imperfections and defects by reshaping the nasal structure. A crooked nasal septum (the cartilage that separates the nasal passageways) can lead to snoring, sleep apnea, and obstructed airflow. Sometimes referred to as a deviated septum, this impairment decreases nasal function and can be uncomfortable for most patients.


Rhinoplasty requires expertise and a trained eye to achieve natural results. Dr. Diamond has extensive experience with resculpting noses by adding or removing cartilage and bone from the patient’s nose to create a natural-looking, restructured nose. Every procedure will vary depending on the patient’s needs and goals, which will be discussed during your consultation. Rhinoplasty can be performed using two techniques, and they both utilize local or general anesthesia. Incisions are made to provide access to the nasal bone and cartilage.

  • The closed technique is a more traditional approach to rhinoplasty and involves making incisions inside the nasal passageways.
  • The open technique provides a more modern procedure with unhindered visibility. An incision is made on the base of the nose between the nostrils, known as the columella, which allows the skin to be pulled back to provide a clearer view of underlying nasal structures.

Rhinoplasty Patient 07-blog-ba-imgEach individual case is, of course, different, and the results of surgery will vary from individual to individual.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty comes with many benefits, including an enhanced nasal appearance and easier breathing. Patients report feeling more confident in their facial appearance, and their overall quality of life is dramatically improved.

If you suffer from breathing problems or you simply aren’t satisfied with your nasal structure, contact our office today.

What to Expect After Rhinoplasty

Feeling dissatisfied or embarrassed by bumps, asymmetry, large size, and other nasal imperfections is very common. After undergoing rhinoplasty, your nose can be subtly or dramatically reshaped, depending on your personal cosmetic goals. While it can take up to a year for your permanent results to fully refine, gradual changes and improvements will become visible during the healing process. Carefully following post-surgical care instructions will ensure your results appear quicker and more effectively. Below are some helpful tips to achieve your desired results with minimal pain.

beautiful female face with clear fresh skin and pretty nose

Rest and Recovery Period

For the first few days after your procedure, discomfort, swelling, nausea, stuffiness, mucus secretion, numbness, reduced sense of smell or taste, and bruising can be expected. It is normal to feel uncomfortable for the first week as you adjust to the bandages, gauze, and other surgical dressings. A nasal cast covering the nose may also be applied for additional support. This will be removed after five-seven days. Most patients can resume regular activities and return to work within two weeks, depending on how they feel.

Tips for Minimizing Discomfort

Below are some tips to help ease discomfort during your recovery to ensure you are feeling back to normal as soon as possible.

  • Sleeping on your back while elevating your head is highly recommended.
  • Remaining hydrated and limiting your activity is crucial during your recovery.
  • Ice can be utilized to reduce swelling under the eyes, which should diminish after one week.
  • Remaining relaxed without bending over, being involved in strenuous activities, or blowing your nose will aide in your results.
  • Being familiar with your post-operative care instructions and following them closely will help prevent complications during your recovery.
  • Having someone take care of you for up to a week is very helpful during this time, and medication will be prescribed to provide as painless a recovery as possible.

Each individual case is, of course, different, and the results of surgery will vary from individual to individual.

Your Unique Results

Rhinoplasty results will vary for every patient according to their desired outcome and the techniques utilized during their procedure. Imperfections of the nose are reshaped to achieve a chiseled, appropriately proportioned, rejuvenated nasal appearance to achieve balance and harmony of the face. Knowing what to expect after rhinoplasty can help you prepare for your recovery and take steps to help reduce discomfort during the process.

If you are unhappy with your nose shape or size and are considering rhinoplasty, please contact our office by calling (310) 859-9816 today to schedule your consultation and discuss any questions you may have.